How do we arrange a headstone or monument for the grave?
You will need to print and complete a copy of a CR1 form. Please make a copy for your own records and send a copy to the church office along with your payment. This request will then be considered alongside the churchyard regulations. We will advise you on any amendments. Once your application agreed work can go ahead.
Can you recommend a stone mason?
We have previously used Stonecrest Monumental Masons of 29 Alexandra Rd, Ash, Aldershot GU12 6PQ 01252 350868
Or, local funeral directors Thorne Leggett work with stonemasons K&S Memorials, call 01420 83177 for more information.
I would like a burial of ashes on top of an existing full grave – how can I mark the addition of the ashes?
An inscription should be added to an existing memorial wherever possible. If there isn't enough space, an additional stone (not exceeding 500mm square) can be added to become flush with the turf in front of the existing memorial. The stone, matching the existing, may incorporate a vase for flowers provided that the top is level with or below the surface of the stone.
Print and complete a copy of CR1 form. Please make a copy for your own records and send us a copy to the church office along with your payment of fees. This request will then be considered alongside the churchyard regulation. Should you need to make any amendment we will advise you. Once your application has been signed off the work can go ahead.
Can we add the names of anyone who is not buried in the plot to the gravestone?
Yes, relations names are usually limited to parents, children, spouse or partner.