General questions
Infant Baptism
Infant Baptism is for families who want to raise their child as a Christian. It is a sign of being part of the church and is a mark of being committed to faith in Jesus.
If you choose to get your child baptised, we would love to help you as your child begins their own walk with God.
Who can get baptised at St. John’s?
We offer baptism to everyone who lives in the Parish of Churt with Rushmoor or anyone on the Electoral Roll. We occasionally have requests from those outsides of the parish or with strong links to us through family or our school. We request that out of courtesy you contact your own parish priest to let them know, as they may encourage you to take part in your local church. To find out which parish you live in, use the A Church Near You website.
Thanksgiving Service
The church recognises that not everyone is in the same place on their faith journey. Sometimes individuals and families can find the commitment level expected from a baptism service too much. As an alternative we offer a thanksgiving service. This service expects less commitment of faith from parents and godparents. You can choose a thanksgiving service if it’s a better fit for you family or as you consider baptism. Whichever service you choose God will still be present and you will receive his blessing on your child.
When will the service be?
Baptisms or Thanksgivings are held during our Morning Worship service 9:45am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. They are an opportunity for the whole church to pray for you and your family.
What to expect:
The support of our church members, children group’s leaders and leadership team as we welcome you and your child into the church.
During the Baptism parents and godparents make promises to help the child on their Christian journey.
Baptism places your child at the start of their Christian journey and gives you an opportunity to be supported by the St John’s Church community as you raise your child.
Next steps:
Come along to our Morning Worship service 9:45am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, enjoy meeting with other members of the church, visit our children’s groups and get to meet our Minister.
Fill out a baptism and thanksgiving enquiry form with our minister where you will also receive information about the commitment and promises in baptism and thanksgiving services.
Take some time to think about whether you are able to make a personal confession of the Christian faith and keep your baptism promises.
Undertake baptism preparation - where we talk about baptism and starting your child on their life-long Christian journey.
We will visit you too! Some of the baptism preparation can be at your home if that’s easier for you.
Confirm a date and start planning your special event.