
Music is an integral part of our worship. We are fortunate to have a team of musicians to accompany our services on the organ, piano and guitar. We understand that there are as many different ways to approach God through music as there are people in our church. So, we make an effort to incorporate a variety of styles of music in our services.

A music highlight for St. John's was the gift of two pieces of music composed by Nicki Sisman. The two pieces: a musical setting for the communion service and the second for the Lord’s Prayer were gifted in celebration of our 150th Anniversary.

Our choir meets before the service, on the 4th Sunday of every month, at 9am. New singers are warmly welcomed - whatever their experience. We rehearse a piece of music for the service that day. To find out about joining the choir, please send Anneli James an email.

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Anneli James